Friday, September 07, 2007

Life in Graz

I own you a little post from time to time, even tough im not in Ny and there is not much happening here compared to it. Love the new room, Paul and Herwig havent moved in yet, but at least the walls and doors are nearly all done and pale white. I hope they stay like that the next couple of years.

Im applying for different jobs, and I am brave, i try to live my dream of living from illustration. Well see if thats going to work out - there're some jobs going on but I cant really say anything about them, not until everything works out ok. Im also a good girl and working on the LOvecraft comic - im on page 10 now and im afraid im gonna need more than 50 pages to tell the story. I wont show you all the 10 pages but i show you one - below. Oh, by the way, some of my Lovecraft illustration are going to be shown in a Swiss Science Fiction Museum in octobre.


Anonymous said...

hey kleene :)

(hab mein skype namen vergessen, sonst wär ich öfter da *schäm* )

Die Seite sieht gut aus, mir gefallen die im Vergleich zu diesem Wesen "simpleren" Zeichnungen, macht das ganze so schön unheimlich, man merkt das "es" dort nicht hingehört und aus einer anderen Welt stammt.
gutes klares storytelling, bin auf mehr gespannt.

und... viel Erfolg bei all den anderen Jobs und Möglichkeiten die sich dir bieten.

wir "sehen" uns

ciao <3

Anonymous said...

las mal von dir hören!

David :)

Unknown said...


queenmob said...


Unknown said...