Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Nerds New Years Eve

No fireworks in New York allowed. Therefor, I didnt see any! But thats ok - I avoided Timesquare cause its supposed to be crazy, 1000 cops, millions of people, secret boozing (no fireworks and no beer on the streets allowed!). I celebrated with the nerds community, unfortunately Becky couldnt come because she had to obey a higher authority - family obligations! The nerds party was fantastic, nice people, boardgames, Guitar hero and a lot of warm welcomings! See FOTOS here...

JNZ sings nerdy songs! This one is about Roleplaying! I didnt understand most of the stuff but it sounded like everybody was having fun :-)

Transformer Dance!

Part of the countdown:

JNZ sings some more - unfortunately the space on my camera was not enough to record it all.

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