The Society of Illustrators NYC hold an annual illustration competition in several different categories. The winners get "gold" and "silver" medals. I didn't win, but I made it into the show in the category "Uncomissioned" which is a great honor. The fact that a slightly untypical piece by me won is interesting - it's a design I did for a Threadless submission, a piece honoring Poe's countless stories involving animals as guilt inducers for the protagonist.

I met a couple of people there who have helped me out a lot during studying at FIT: Dennis Dittrich, who is on the board of directors at the society and teacher for my capstone class, Anelle Miller, current director of the society and my previous teacher in the business class, Katherine Streeter was one of the jurors and she taught an art class for us and Bill Plympton, my ex-boss, won a silver medal for an animated short.
(from left to right, Bill Plympton+Dennis Dirrtich)
(from left to right, Bill Plympton+Dennis Dirrtich)

I enjoyed the evening a great deal, especially with Evelyn as my art show buddy. I was honored to be among such beautiful art pieces.
Well deserved Anna, that piece is brilliant! And that's so funny you worked for Bill Plympton… Did the posters for his french releases and the dvd's! World is so small… Cheers!
I love your art Anna! congrats!
if you like you can check it out mine:
I´m following you already! ;))
Wonderful, love your art pieces.Keep it up it inspire a lot of people.
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