Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What Time is it? It's DOODLE time!

Guys, at the moment I barely do any full-elaborated illustrations just for fun, mainly because I had to take care of some job-related drawing thingies :-) And I can't post them, because I assume they are secret until they come out, but I can tell you that I am working on some Minecraft shirts for J!INX (which also turned me into a slight Minecraft addict).

Back to pen and ink!

However, I have been doodeling a lot to get some away-from-the-computer time for myself and I also realized, that I spend to much of my work time in the digitalized world. So I sat down more often to get some good old pen and ink action. Also, Silver's Character Design Workshop is really motivating me to practice my many, many weak spots (Which is basically the whole human anatomy).  I will write a more detailed blog entry about the past workshop lessons soon!

But enough talk, here are some of the crazy insane doodles from the past weeks. 


sparrow said...

Is that "Jason Schwartzman corner" on the left? You are so awesome! Love love!

queenmob said...

YEEESSS!!!!! TOTALLY!!! So glad you noticed <3