The latest issue of the new Grazer magazine "Grazetta" just came out, and im happy to be in it. The assignment was to show people reading the magazine in interesting positions. One author of the magazine, Heimo Sver, knew that I was doing Yoga, so they had the idea to put me into it while standing on my head. You wouldnt believe me how much my shoulders hurt after this photosession - and thank god, its black and white, my head was turning completely red from all the blood in my face.

feines foto im cheshire-cat-outfit.
ein lichtblick innerhalb dieser fotostrecke.
have fun in NYC,
der herwig hats dem Harald ganz stolz gezeigt!
sehr nett geworden
Hi Angigi,
sorry das i mi so lang net gmeldet hab, hab aber dei sms bekommen. dankschen
bin eh immer dabei mitzulesen, bist sogar bei meine lesezeichen dabei :).
Ich schätz mal das es dir eh voi guat in ny geht.
Hab dich eh vermisst, komm mal wieder ins skype
buss evi
oooh gott
love it!!
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