Tuesday, March 13, 2007

just news.

some news of my life, for anybody who is interested:

.) Writing the Diploma is going alright. I should be drawing more, but I have an artits block right now (thats always a good excuse :-)) Im am dealing with the Horror Author HP Lovecraft so much, im becoming an expert. I read his stories, I browse trough the message boards about him, I read in the Internet about him, I read non-fiction about him, I have Lexicons about the "Cthulhu-Myth" he created and soon I will be masterin a Roleplaygame based on his story. Here some more artwork I made: It is agin, Yuggoth, the dark planet of the Mi-Go - this time with one of its inhabitants.

.) Im enjoying my life her in Graz right now - I can sleep as long as I want every day, the weather is nice, I do Yoga three times a week to safe my back from turning into stone and Im meeting friends a lot. The only thing I have to keep in mind is: In less three months everything will be over - if I do well, I ll have a degree. And then Ill have to decide what happens next. I try not to freak out because of this. Be glad if you keep on studying for some more time, it gives time to think. Anyway, im also glad to never see the FH Salzburg again.
me - on my balcony :-)

.) Look at this - its so interesting, at least I think so. Ther is a manuscrpit called the "Voynich-manuscrpit". Nobody know when it was written, who wrote it and what it means. Its written in a strange, unknown language and the illustrations in the book are mostly strange too (for example, it shows plants that seem to be normal plants, but there are slight differences). Loo here for more information. It seems like somebody wrote a lexika for an alternate earth - 500 years ago!


Anonymous said...

Hallo du, zu dem Manuskript fällt mir ein, dass man im Mittelalter mit verschlüsselten alchemistischen Texten eine Menge Kohle machen konnte, daher wurden diese von cleveren, aber weitgehend unwissenden Geschäftemachern gefälscht (man nannte sie verdorbene Schriften). Womit nun die Mugi-Theorie hinzukäme ;))

Unknown said...

Your illustrations for this are really crazy gorgeous! What have you been working in, watercolor? Or are they computer wonders?


Be careful you don't turn into a dark one, yourself!
And the Voynich Manuscript is really crazy awesomely. Ive been working on things like this lately, I want to make guidebooks to strange lands full of magic. Hmmm, maybe something we can work on?

Unknown said...

Your illustrations for this are really crazy gorgeous! What have you been working in, watercolor? Or are they computer wonders?


Be careful you don't turn into a dark one, yourself!
And the Voynich Manuscript is really crazy awesomely. Ive been working on things like this lately, I want to make guidebooks to strange lands full of magic. Hmmm, maybe something we can work on?

idooka said...

Hey!! That illustration looks great!!
Don't freak out about the future, we're all in the same situation, it'll simply come. I'm applying for grants to live in germany next year, so maybe you'll be seeing me some day ;) (i'm very poor right now :P)
Take care!!