Monday, March 12, 2012

My weekly work for a newspaper

I don't know how many of you know that I'm doing a weekly illustration for a locall, weekly newspaper in my hometown Graz. In 2010, I was approached by one of the editors of "G7" and they asked me to do a weekly illustration as reaction on a text written by various authors who's origin is from my hometown. Every text is slightly based on something happening in Graz, and G7 has probably up to 10 different writers rotating.

One of the special things about this job is that it teaches me with every text I have to read to adapt to a different writing style, react to different genres and try to satisfy an audience which takes the time to read the text, but also an audience just "passing trough" the magazine (as so many of us do who are too lazy to read).
I wanted to present to you some of my favorite illustrations I did since I started in 2010 ( which means I probable made around 130 illustrations so far).

Below, my favorites from 2010

Below are my favorites from 2011:

Below are my favorites from 2012:

1 comment:

Christina said...

Yeah, geniale Zeichnungen und es ist schwer sich für einen Liebling zu entscheiden. Mir gefällt aber vorallem das zweite mit dem Krokodil. :D

Schöne Grüße